(The definitions used in this announcement shall have the same meaning as that used in our announcement dated 27 August 2021 unless stated otherwise).
Reference is made to DIALOG Group Berhad's ("DIALOG") announcement on 27 August 2021. DIALOG wishes to announce that Dialog Fabricators Sdn. Bhd. (“DFSB”) and Morimatsu Technology and Service Company (“MTS”) have today become shareholders of Morimatsu Dialog (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd. (“MDMSB”) with an initial issued and paid-up share capital of RM1,000 comprising 1,000 ordinary shares whereby MTS holds 51% equity stake and DFSB holds 49% equity stake, respectively.
MDMSB will provide a one-stop engineering and fabrication services of critical process equipment, pressure vessels and modular plant/facility solutions to support various industries and will serve its customers locally and internationally from DFSB's facility in Pengerang which is strategically located with a private load out jetty.
This announcement is dated 14 September 2021.